Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls

I came across this gorgeous recipe of Pan Seared Steak Rolls by Jaden of and really wanted to try it out with my own flavors.  I had skirt steak in my freezer, which I thought would be perfect for this recipe and although I used it and it tasted just great, I probably would have gone and bought thin sliced sirloin steaks instead, cos it was a little tedious trimming up all the fat from my skirt steak.

Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls -

Instead of Jaden’s Asian flavors, I opted to do a balsamic glaze sauce so I kept the marinade very simple using just salt, pepper and worcestershire sauce. I used veggies I had in my crisper and ta da! made my very own adaptation of her beef rolls.  Served up with some mashed potatoes my family loved the dish and devoured it in record time.  So when trying out this recipe,  feel free to make it your own with your favorite seasonings, veggies and sauce!
Here are the step by step pictures of how I made my balsamic glazed steak rolls- Enjoy!
Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls Recipe (Part-1)
Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls Recipe (Part-2)
  1. 1 1/2 – 2 lb skirt steak/ 8-10 thin sliced sirloin
  2. Salt & Pepper (according to taste)
  3. 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  4. Any steak seasoning you like
  5. 1 tbsp olive oil
For the Veggie filling
  1. 1 carrot
  2. 1 bell pepper
  3. 1/2 a zucchini (depending on size)
  4. 5-6 green onions
  5. 2 cloves of garlic
  6. 1 tsp Italian herb seasoning
For the Balsamic glaze sauce
  1. 2 tsp butter
  2. 2 tbsp finely chopped shallots
  3. 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  4. 2 tbsp brown sugar
  5. 1/4 cup beef broth
  1. – Start by prepping the steak. (I used skirt steak cos it’s what I had on hand, but in hind sight, I probably would have gone for a more leaner cut like flank steak or looked for thin sliced sirloin.) I trimmed as much fat as I could and cut the steak into 3 inch wide strips. I managed 8 strips and used the odd shapped ends to taste test my marinade and balsamic glaze. You can then tenderize the meat with a meat hammer (if you’re using sirloin it doesn’t need any tenderizing).
  2. – Season the steak pieces generously on both sides with salt, pepper and worcestershire sauce. And let them sit in the marinade for atleast 30 mins if not a couple hours.
  3. – While the steak is marinating you can prep the filling for them. Chop up the carrot, bell pepper and zucchini into matchstick size pieces, little longer than the width of the steak strips. I used a mandolin slicer to jet thin sliced and hand cut them to make matchsticks. I then cut the green onion in a similar size and sliced them in half length wise. For the garlic, simply peel and crush the cloves with the flat side of your knife, just enough to bruise them.
  4. – Now for the sauce, melt the butter in a small sauce pan on medium heat.
  5. – Add the finely chopped shallot and sautee it for a minute or 2 until they turn soft and transluscent.
  6. – Add the balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and beef stock and stir to mix everything well.
  7. – Allow the sauce to come to a boil and reduce to almost half its volume. You’ll notice it starts becoming thicker and have the consistency of syrup. The butter also starts separating and comes to the top. Turn the heat off and transfer the sauce to a bowl.
  8. – In the same pan (no need to wash it) add a touch of olive oil and toss in the garlic cloves to allow them to flavor the oil for a few minutes.
  9. – Turn the heat up to high and toss in the carrots, bell pepper and zucchini (there’s no need to cook the green onion) and stir fry the veggies for no longer than 2-3 minutes.
  10. – Season them with the the itlalian herb seasoning and salt and transfer the veggies to a bowl.
  11. – To assemble the steak rolls, simply take a strip of the marinated steak and lay it with the short side towards you. Place the veggies (dont forget the green onion!) in the middle and oll the beef up over the filling, securing it with toothpick. Repeat the same with the other rolls.
  12. – Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add a touch of oil swirling to coat bottom. When hot, add beef rolls, seam side down, not touching and pan fry for a couple minutes. Then turn roll and cook it on all sides in the same way. Cook until you’re desired done-ness. I cooked mine medium well and seasoned it with some mesquite seasoning for a touch of a smokey flavor.
  13. – Remove the toothpick and serve with the balsamic glaze sauce spooned over the top of each roll.