Crispy Salmon Skin Rice Bowls

What you get is crispy, salmon-y goodness, that is perfect with rice, avocado, and a drizzle of soy sauce. All were things that we had on hand, and they made for a pretty fantastic chef’s snack. So we decided to photograph it, and voila! New recipe!

Crispy Salmon Skin Rice Bowls, by

In conclusion, the lesson of the day is, maximize your ingredients, y’all! Chances are, you paid good money for an expensive piece of salmon, so you should enjoy every last bit of it.
You’ll need:
  • Salmon filet with the skin on, or a piece of trimmed salmon skin
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 2 cups cooked white rice
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • Soy sauce, to taste
Salmon Fillet

Prepare your salmon skin. You can sear a piece of salmon with the skin-on, saving the salmon filet for other pursuits. Just sear the salmon on each side in a pan over medium-high heat with 2 tablespoons of oil until just cooked through.
Or you can pre-trim a piece of salmon to remove the skin, and fry that. If you use the latter method, you’ll want to heat a pan or cast-iron skillet with 2 tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat, and fry the salmon skin until it’s golden and crisp.
Once the salmon skin is cooked, set it aside to cool slightly. Slice the salmon skin into thin strips.
Crispy Salmon Skin Rice Bowls, by

Portion out the cooked rice into bowls, and top each one with some sliced avocado and a handful of crispy salmon skin. Drizzle with soy sauce to taste.

Serve with roasted nori sheets if you have them on hand, and dig into an easy, pared down, yet epically delicious meal.

Crispy Salmon Skin Rice Bowls, by

Crispy Salmon Skin Rice Bowls, by